Advice of the The National Academy of Technologies of France approved by the assembly on June 12, 2024


The challenges of energy and climate change call for technological choices that require a long-term vision if they are to be fully overcome.

This is particularly true in the field of nuclear energy. The scale and duration of the investments involved, as well as the mastery of the associated technologies and natural resources, require continuous action and stable strategic choices over many decades.

This stability requires a detailed and shared explanation of the criteria that rationalise these choices for society.

It is therefore necessary to have a reference framework that ensures consistency over time between:

− the general objectives of decarbonising our society and securing energy supplies;

− technological and strategic choices concerning the deployment of nuclear reactors and the fuel cycle with a view to the safe and sustainable management of fissile material inputs.

This document proposes a reference framework for a sustainable nuclear cycle that is coherent and in tune with the current context. § 2 analyses the criteria and considerations that can structure a long-term sustainable cycle policy. § 3 details this analysis by proposing an industrial roadmap for the deployment of nuclear reactors and cycle plants.


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