Inter Academic Position Paper

Reducing exposure to radiation from relay antennae is not scientifically justified

The French National Academy of Medicine, the Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Technologies of France set up a group of experts with the remit to issue an Advice Note on the risks to health of exposure to radiofrequency radiation. The experts based their findings on a collective expertise conducted by the Afsset (French National Agency for Sanitary Safety questions related to the Environment and to the Work-place], the conclusions of which are agreed to by the French OPECST (Parliamentary Office for assessment of scientific and technological policy decisions) and the ICNIRP (International Commission for Non-Ionising Radiation Protection). This academic expert group approves the conclusions reached but denounces the allegations that, without verifiable reasons, worried public opinion by having the public believe that there are sanitary risks whereas the collective expert reports cited above are unanimous in their conclusion that such risks are not proven today. The three French Academies consequently throw light on the reported distortions that underpin the allegations and which they deem as prejudicial to not only founded scientific expertise but also to public health in this matter.

To learn more, the Internaut can usefully consult (in French)…

Afsset report on radiofréquences – 15 Oct. 2009, communiqué,

Possible effects of mobile phone emissions on health (report)n° 84 tome I (2009-2010) – November 4, 2009 : M. Alain GEST, membe of French Parliament, for the OECST (Office parlementaire d’évaluation des choix scientifiques et technologiques)