Académie des technologies




France's path towards sustainable nuclear power

Advice of the The National Academy of Technologies of France approved by the assembly on June 12, 2024 [Excerpt] The challenges of energy and climate change call for technological choices that require a long-term vision if they are to be fully overcome. This is particularly true in the field of nuclear energy. The scale and duration of the investments involved, as well as the mastery of the associated technologies and natural resources, require continuous action and stable strategic choices over many decades. This stability requires a detailed and shared explanation of the criteria that rationalise these choices for society. It is […]

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#Nutrition and Health #Culture/Leisure #Energy #Education - Formation - Employment - Work #Environment and impacts of climate change #Habitat, Mobility and Cities #Industry and services #Digital #Technologies, Economy and Societies

Food for thought on sobriety

Summary of the 2022 Seminar of the National Academy of Technologies of France

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Advice note on carbon credits
#Energy #Environment and impacts of climate change

03 December 2009

Advice note on carbon credits

Academic Advice Note on Carbon Credits issued by the NATF Standing Committee on Energy and Climate Change, NATF, November 10, 2009 The so-called carbon market has demonstrated its capacity to change the behavioural pattern of certain economic actors in terms of their emission of GHGs. The so-called carbon market, measure decided at Kyoto, is a first step in this direction: the aim is to stop accumulation a “carbon debt” in terms of future generations. It primarily concerns major industry that burn fossil fuels. The test period, 2005-2007, was followed by a period for applications, viz., the period 2008-2012. This gradual […]

A century of nuclear power generation – Michel Hug

14 January 2009

A century of nuclear power generation – Michel Hug

A Century of Nuclear Power Generation, by Michel HUG France occupies an extremely strong position in nuclear physics per se, and in its applications, notably in nuclear power generation. The monograph proposed by Michel HUG is an overview that non specialist readers can assimilate, i.e., if they are non specialists of the developments of the French nuclear generation industry. Michel HUG himself is one of the senior, prominent actors in the field, and he throws light on the issues and challenges of the technologies associated, of the hurdles that had to be overcome in terms of political and key-technology decisions. […]


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