


France's path towards sustainable nuclear power

Advice of the The National Academy of Technologies of France approved by the assembly on June 12, 2024 [Excerpt] The challenges of energy and climate change call for technological choices that require a long-term vision if they are to be fully overcome. This is particularly true in the field of nuclear […]

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#Nutrition and Health #Culture/Leisure #Energy #Education - Formation - Employment - Work #Environment and impacts of climate change #Habitat, Mobility and Cities #Industry and services #Digital #Technologies, Economy and Societies

Food for thought on sobriety

Summary of the 2022 Seminar of the National Academy of Technologies of France

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Resurgence of artificial intelligence and machine learning

#Nutrition and Health

The transition to industrial scale production of human stem cells for therapeutic use


Joint recommendations for the nuclear energy future

#Energy #Habitat, Mobility and Cities #Environment and impacts of climate change

Modifying thermal regulations for new buildings to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions at least cost

#Education - Formation - Employment - Work #Industry and services

A robot-intensive strategy to re-industrialize France - Advice note

#Education - Formation - Employment - Work #Technologies, Economy and Societies

Technologies and innovation territories

#Nutrition and Health

Opinion on the regulation of targeted mutagenesis in plant breeding

#Technologies, Economy and Societies

How we perceive risk factors

#Nutrition and Health

Health' foods