Legal information

Site publisher

Le site est édité par l’Académie des technologies, établissement public administratif national placé sous la tutelle du ministre chargé de la recherche et sous la protection du Président de la République

Head office
Le Ponant
19, rue Leblanc
75015 Paris – France
Telephone: +33 (0)1 83 55 44 41
SIREN :130 003 320


Publication Director

Patrick Pélata, President of The National Academy of Technologies of France


Editorial manager

Natacha Oliveira, Head of communication



The National Academy of Technologies of France recognizes the importance of making this site accessible to all in compliance with digital accessibility standards, in accordance with the national legal requirements of the RGAA (Référentiel Général d’Amélioration de l’Accessibilité) and the international requirements of the WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines).

It is committed to implementing a progressive strategy to improve the accessibility of this site. In the meantime, if you would like to report an access problem, please contact:


Condition of use

The National Academy of Technologies of France that the information available on this site is up to date and accurate.

Disclaimer of liability
The National Academy of Technologies of France cannot, in any way, be held responsible for the content of the information contained on this site or for the consequences that may result from its use or interpretation.


Personal Data Protection Policy

This website, which contains personal information concerning in particular the staff and members of the National Academy of Technologies of France and its partners, has been the subject of a declaration to the CNIL (declaration n°2122422v0 of 21 November 2017). In accordance with the law n° 78-17 of January 6, 1978, relating to Data Processing, Files and Liberties (articles 38, 39, 40), you have a right to online access, rectification and deletion of the data you concerning on this site.
To exercise this right, you can contact


Intellectual property

The website of the National Academy of Technologies of France is a creative design, exclusive property of the National Academy of Technologies of France, protected by the French and international legislation on intellectual property rights. No reproduction or representation may be made in contravention of the rights of the National Academy of Technologies of France arising from the aforementioned legislation.



The setting up of hyperlinks by third parties to pages or documents published on the website of the National Academy of Technologies of France is authorised provided that the links do not contravene the interests of our Academy and that they guarantee the possibility for the user to identify the origin and the author of the document.

The Académie des technologies accepts no responsibility for the content or use of these external sites.

If you notice a problem with a link, please let us know at



Coming soon


Conception / Design / Development /Website hosting

Agence Subskill Digital – 69 rue de Chabrol – 75010 Paris –


Photo credits

Stéphanie Thine – National Academy of Technologies
Adobe Stock image bank