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28 June 2023
Towards sustainable food consumption (SAPEA Evidence Review Report)
Press release 28 June 2023 Consumers shouldn’t be the only ones responsible for the shift to sustainable food consumption, Academies advise European Commission A group of renowned scientists nominated by European academies through the European Commission’s Scientific Advice Mechanism, have advised Commissioners on how to transform European food consumption to become healthier and more sustainable. The advice comes in response to a request from the College of Commissioners to inform the revision of the EU’s Farm to Fork strategy. The SAPEA evidence review report was submitted this morning in Brussels, addressing key policy areas including pricing, availability, composition, and the […]
27 February 2023
Towards Low-GHG Emissions from Energy use in Selected Sectors
This CAETS 2022 Energy report reviews existing technologies that could be used immediately to reduce green-house gas (GHG) emissions in seven key sectors: Food and Agriculture, Buildings and Smart Cities, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Cement, Iron and Steel, Information and Communication technologies.