Académie des technologies

Who we are

The National Academy of Technologies of France (NATF) is a national public administrative institution placed under the supervision of the Minister of Research and under the protection of the President of the Republic. It has more than 300 elected members, from various backgrounds that reflect the diversity of technologies. Its organisation ensures the collegiality and relevance of its action in the exercise of its missions: opinions and reports, general orientations and action programmes are voted in plenary assembly. Four strong ideas govern the action of the Academy for an increasingly reasoned and collective appropriation of technologies: progress, sense of general interest, listening, anticipation.

Rehabilitating the notion of progress

In order to enlighten the debates and better equip decision makers and citizens, the Academy plays a role of trusted third party and mediator. Thanks to the diverse expertise of its members and its collective work, it provides a comprehensive, original and impartial perspective on issues relating to technologies and their interaction with society. We are thus committed to promoting useful and responsible technological choices that will improve living conditions.

Within the Academy, nine “Areas of expertise” publish communications, opinions, reports or scientific and technical expertise by privileging the long-term vision and the adequacy with the needs of society and the economic world. This work contributes to the definition of the framework and values that will allow us to approach technologies by virtue of their usefulness and impact, by exploring risks and benefits, and without forgetting their purpose: to provide opportunities for progress in the face of present and future challenges.

Learn more about the nine areas of expertise


Rehabilitating the notion of progress

Rehabilitating the notion of progress

To reconcile the citizens

We believe that the challenge of progress is also a democratic challenge. Technologies evolve very quickly, for example in the fields of biology or digital applications, with a risk of inequality of access and distrust among citizens: an explosion of fake news, technological fantasies, but also opposition to the superficial or even destructive nature of certain uses of technologies. In a society of permanent controversy, where points of view proliferate, diversify or become radicalised, we are convinced that nuance, complexity, action and open-mindedness must imperatively guide our public service mission.  

We therefore support information, training and education on technologies, especially for young people, and we work with high school students to maintain the attractiveness of technological fields. We are committed to contributing to improving the presence and visibility of women in technology, for example through “Women in the Tech industry“, a portrait gallery highlighting inspiring women in the world of technology.  We are also sensitive to the imaginary worlds that technology can create, and have created a science fiction short story award to hear and share them. 


To reconcile the citizens

To reconcile the citizens

Understanding our day and time

The Academy is made up of more than 300 French and foreign members, specialists in their fields, who participate in or lead national and international networks of experts. Faced with technological challenges that require, more than ever, the pooling of knowledge and international cooperation, the Academy is also in direct contact with its counterparts abroad within Euro-CASE (federation of 21 European academies of Applied Sciences, Technologies and Engineering bringing together 6,000 experts) and CAETS (International Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences).  

 The academic work leads us to hear experts, researchers, industrialists, parliamentarians or users. We work with many public research institutions to consolidate knowledge, circulate it and increase the number of viewpoints. We are conducting numerous joint projects with the Academies of Science, of Medicine, of Agriculture, and of Moral and Political Sciences on subjects such as Covid, scientific and technological training, and artificial intelligence.  

This diversity of viewpoints and our collective processes – the Academy’s publications are voted on in plenary session after several reviews – are the guarantee of our impartiality. 


Understanding our day and time

Understanding our day and time

To meet major challenges

At a time when most technological innovations are not foreseen, when the future of the climate is uncertain and the energy mix is critical, the foresight work carried out by the Academy is essential to anticipate future challenges.   

The National Academy of Technologies of France issues recommendations to public authorities and socio-economic players, provides the media with unbiased content, knowledge and information, and rewards innovators by offering them visibility and support. These are all ways of anticipating the major transformations that will impact future generations and require mobilisation today. 


To meet major challenges

To meet major challenges

Activity reports

Rapport d'activité 2022

Rapport d'activité 2021

Rapport d'activité 2020

Annual Report 2022

The Academy’s

The Academy is active in several awards that reward technological work or inspire young talent.




In order to reflect collectively on the progress of technologies and their impact on our society, the Academy relies on a network of partners from the economic and industrial sphere, the world of education, research, local communities and public authorities.  



The Foundation
of the Academy

The mission of the Foundation of the National Academy of Technologies of France is to:

  • improve the public’s understanding of the value of technology and its uses;
  • promote the teaching of technologies in the education of young people;
  • promote the contribution of technologies to the development of France;
  • initiate and participate in demonstrators for the introduction or adaptation of technologies.
The Foundation contributes to the realisation of the ambitions of the National Academy of Technologies of France through:

  • organising events, symposiums ;
  • setting up pilot workshops for initiation and training in new technologies;
  • implementing programmes for the dissemination of technologies to the general public, professionals and the educational world;
  • supporting entrepreneurship;
  • international actions.
Supporting the Foundation means contributing to the success of the National Academy of Technologies of France, the dissemination of technology-related knowledge to all publics, the improvement of the technical culture, the reinforcement of technology education, making the world of technology more inclusive, and ultimately the success of companies engaged in innovative approaches to progress. 

The Foundation is authorised to receive donations and legacies. Donations are made to the Foundation of the National Academy of Technologies of France with the associated tax exemption. Real estate assets will be donated or bequeathed to the National Academy of Technologies of France, a public establishment. 

The academicians

The academicians

The academicians

The Academy is made up of more than 300 French and foreign members appointed through a rigorous co-optation process that ensures diversity of expertise, professional background and gender.  
